Introduction to Statistical Analysis
Coding for Reproducible Research
Laura Roldan-Gomez
We are…
Emma Walker
Xinran Du
Laura Roldan-Gomez
Welcome to the LAST session!
Now you know…
Or are familiar with…
- how to explore your data: subsetting, matching elements, merging and binding
- manipulating data: paste(), rename elements, use the seq() function
- visualise data: type of plots and how to make them, how to plot on top of plots, add to your plot, manipulate margins, composite plots and exporting your plots
- Summary statistics
- Normal and other distributions
- Confidence Intervals
- Random Sampling
- Basic analysis
- Correlation
- T-test
Expectations for today
- We cannot teach statistics and R in 3 hours
- This is not a statistics course
- I am not a statistics expert
Congratulations and keep going!
Big Thank YOU!
Be a part of this! You can helps us running or assisting a future session (they can )opt into this via the feedback survey)
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Please sign the attendance sheet.